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Selected Publications:

Colin, S. P. and Costello, J. H. 1996. Relationship between morphology and hydrodynamics during swimming by the hydromedusae Aequorea victoria and Aglantha digitale. Sci. Mar. 60: 35-42.
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Colin, S. P. and Costello, J. H. 2002. Morphology, swimming performance and propulsive mode of six co-occurring hydromedusae. J. Exp. Biol. 203: 427-437.
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Colin, S. P. and Costello, J. H., Klos, E. 2003. In situ swimming and feeding behavior of eight co-occurring hydromedusae. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 253: 305-309.
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Colin, S. P. and Dam, H. G. 2004. A test for the resistance of pelagic marine copepods to a toxic dinoflagellate. Evol. Ecology. 18: 355-377.
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Colin, S. P. and Dam, H. G. 2002. Latitudinal differentiation in the effects of toxic Alexandrium on geographically distinct populations of the copepod Acartia hudsonica. Harmful Algae. 1: 113-125.
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Colin, S. P. and Dam, H. G. 2002. Testing for toxic effects of phytoplankton on grazers using monoalgal versus mixed diets. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42: 1430-1437.
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Colin, S. P. and Dam, H. G. 2003. Effects of the toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium fundyense, on the copepod, Acartia hudsonica: A test of the mechanisms that reduce ingestion rates. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 248: 56-66.
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Colin, S. P. and Kremer, P. 2002. Population maintenance of the scyphozoan Cyanea sp. settled planula and the distribution of medusae in the Niantic River, CT, USA. Estuaries. 25: 70-75.
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Colin, S. P., Costello, J. H. 2007. Functional characteristics of nematocysts found on the scyphomedusa Cyanea capillata. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 351: 114-120.
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Colin, S. P., Costello, J. H., and Kordula, H. 2006. Upstream foraging by medusae. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 327: 143-155.
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Colin, S. P., Costello, J. H., Graham, W. M., Higgins, J. 2005. Omnivory by the small cosmopolitan hydromedusa Aglaura hemistoma. Limnol. Oceanogr. 50: 1264-1268.
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Colin, S. P., Dam, H. G. 2007. Comparison of the functional and numerical responses of resistant versus non-resistant populations of the copepod Acartia hudsonica fed the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense. Harmful Algae. 6: 875-882.
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Costello, J. H. and Colin, S. P. 1994. Morphology, fluid motion and predation by the scyphomedusa Aurelia aurita. Mar. Biol. 121: 327-334.
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Costello, J. H. and Colin, S. P. 2002. Prey resource utilization by a guild of hydromedusae from Friday Harbor Washington, USA. Limnol. Oceanogr. 47: 934-942.
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Costello, J.H. and Colin, S.P. 1995. Flow and feeding by swimming scyphomedusae. Mar. Biol. 124: 399-406.
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Costello, J.H., Colin, S. P., Dabiri, J.H. 2008. Constraints and consequences in medusan evolution. Invert. Biol. 127: 265-290.
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Dabiri JO, Colin SP, Costello JH, Gharib M 2005 “Vortex motion in the ocean: in situ visualization of jellyfish swimming and feeding flows,” Physics of Fluids 17 (9): 091108.
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Dabiri, J. O., Colin, S. P., and Costello, J. H. 2006. Fast-swimming jellyfish exploit velar kinematics to achieve optimal vortex formation. J. Exp. Biol. 209: 2025-2033.
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Dabiri, J. O., Colin, S. P., Costello, J. H., and Gharib, M. 2005. Flow patterns generated by oblate medusan swimmers: in situ observation and analysis. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 1257-1269.
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Dabiri, J. O., Colin, S.P., Costello, J.H. 2007.Morphological diversity of medusan lineages constrained by animal–fluid interactions. J. Exp. Biol. 210: 1868-1873.
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Dam, H. G. and Colin, S. P. 2005. Prorocentrum minimum (clone Exuv) is nutritionally insufficient, but not toxic to the copepod Acartia tonsa. Harmful Algae. 4:575-584.
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Doall, M. H., Colin, S. P., Strickler, J. R., Yen, J. 1998. Locating a mate in 3D: the case of Temora longicornis. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 353: 681-689.
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Klos, E., J.H. Costello, S.P. Colin and W.M. Graham. 2005. Diving in two marine lakes in Croatia. Pages 211-216, In Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences 24th Annual Symposium. J.M. Godfrey and S.E. Shumway, Eds. University of Connecticut at Avery Point, Groton, CT.
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Regula, C., Colin, S. P., Costello, J. H., Kordula, H. 2009. Mechanisms of prey selection in ambushing hydromedusae. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 374:135-144
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Weston, J., Colin, S. P., Costello, J. H., Abbott, E. 2009. Changing form and function during development – the case of rowing hydromedusae. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 374:127-134.
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